Monday, February 23, 2009

Great ideas

I subscribe to quite a few photography magazines, e-newsletters and blogs etc. Everyday I immerse myself in being inspired or learning new things. This idea just dropped into my inbox and I just had to share it with you all.


Yes, what a great idea. Thanks to Photojojo, which published this idea. It's really easy to sign up for your own copy of the newsletter if you like this idea.

From Photojojo:

We hate getting rid of jars. We’re so sure they’ll come in handy someday, but in reality a person can only use so many jelly-jar glasses.

We’re happy to say we’ve finally found a use for our motley collection of pickle jars, soda bottles and assorted glass receptacles: frames!

It’s so simple we can’t believe we didn’t think of it before: just slide a photo into a jar, turn it upside down and display your upcyclin’ genius for all to see.

I have just written an article for the March edition of the BCT Newsletter about what to do with your pictures once you have taken them, but this little snippet is not included.

I think I'm going to see if we have any empty jars floating around. I guess if you were really creative you could hang them in a window or out on your balcony too.

picture courtesy of

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