Friday, November 7, 2008

More Christmas Card Information

Good News! Sunday morning has been very popular and is all booked up, there are only a couple more slots available in the afternoon. Due to the interest in Sunday and nearly none on Monday, I am making the shoots Saturday and Sunday instead. Those with appointments booked on Monday will still have your session, just at my house instead.

I've had a few people ask me about more details as they weren't clear, so here they are:

The cost to BCT members is 150CHF, payable on the day of the shoot. For this, you get my creative expertise, use of my props and as per the Occasion Package 3 digital negatives, one of which will be the one you would use on your card. This digital negative may be a compilation of a number of other images. You also get to choose 2 other images that you like to keep in digital format also. All 3 images will be printed for you.
I will have my computer at the shoots and we will look at the images taken together during your allocated time slot and you will choose the ones you like. I will have specific templates ready for you to see what the finished card might look like. I will also have examples of cards I have printed from and ones that I sent out last year to show you what you can do with your images.

Your package will be with you within a week, in good time for you to do with the images as you wish.

If you still want to book a session, please contact me soon.

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