Monday, December 29, 2008

Meet the Grandparents

When I arrived the final Grandparent was on her way in with Aunty, making it a full house and a full group picture! As the troops made their first greetings with their new family member and settled in I took the opportunity to take few piccies of their cat, Simon. He had the most beautiful eyes. :)

Little baby L, I hope you enjoy having so many people around you for your first New Year Celebrations.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Busy Times

It's been a tough last month or so. All three of us have taken a turn at being ill and my little girl was afflicted to the point where she was being sent home from day care. Sadly this meant that with the extra work I'd taken on, I had less time to do it. As a result, the last few shoots that I have done have taken a little longer to get back to them than I would have liked. I'd just like to say a big thank you to all the families that have been patient with me.

My organised head had planned a couple of weekend trips that were intended as a small congratulations gift to myself after the busy months I've just had. This was with the assumption that I would have completed most of the work I needed to do. The break was needed though as whilst I was off my wrist was hurting me lots and working at a computer was not what the doctor ordered, so it all worked out in the end. Here are a few piccies from my travels.

I hope you are all ready for Christmas now and are looking forward to some quality family time. Enjoy x



me enjoying a break:

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Little Miss L - 9 months

This little girl was ready and waiting for me with lots of happy smiles. It was my third shoot that weekend and fortunately there was lots of space for my studio gear. We had lots of fun playing with all my christmas props - especially the beads! I even stayed a little bit longer when our model got a little worn out to give a little bit of advice about DSLR's.

Little miss H - 4 months

After getting myself and all my equipment up the 4 flights of stairs, I was a little out of breath. It was all worth it though, there was even time for this little supermodel to take a nap in between shooting. It's a tough life :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twins and a toddler!

What can I say, twins and a toddler! This family gave me two firsts - my first twins and my first family with three children. Thank you Family K!

This lucky big sister has both a brother and a sister to play with as she gets older and I do think they will have lots of fun. Already at 4 months these twins have huge personalities and just loved rolling over onto each other and giggling. I certainly had fun playing with them throughout our session. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Here come the boys...

Another returning client; two very playful and energetic boys. Last time I don't think we did actually manage to get a piccie of these two both looking at the camera and smiling. This time was a little more successful now the youngest is a bit older. They are just too adorable.

It was also the first time I'd taken my new lighting gear to a clients house too. Verdict: It went well. In fact too well. At one point I ended up in front of the camera and the boys were busy taking pictures of me!

Looking forward to taking pictures of little boy number three when he arrives in a few months.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

BCT Christmas Card shoots - Huge Success!

Just a great big huge thank you to everyone that booked and even to the one family that canceled (it was nice to finish up a little earlier on the last day, but sorry you didn't get your pictures!).

I must say that I was very nervous before the first shoot started
and I had spent the previous week with my head in Christmas Card clouds and thinking about very little else. I also think it is the most amount of time I've worked in 2 consecutive days since going on maternity leave. It was well worth it though and I hope you all thought so too.

I've purposely not posted the finished cards and only one image from most shoots so the actual christmas cards remain a surprise. There is an example of a finished card at the bottom though.

Enjoy the festive season everyone! xx

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Black Background Christmas

Just a little update. Firstly - there is now a .pdf version of my Packages available after I found out that it is not possible to print from thew website. It is at the bottom of the Packages page and also here.

I also now have a black gift box, so here are some images featuring Maia, some fake snow, silver fur cones and a snowman.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Here are my free slots:

Saturday 15th November:


Sunday 16th November:


I will keep editing this so that it is always up to date.
If there are any canceled slots I will re-post them here.

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Christmas Card Information

Good News! Sunday morning has been very popular and is all booked up, there are only a couple more slots available in the afternoon. Due to the interest in Sunday and nearly none on Monday, I am making the shoots Saturday and Sunday instead. Those with appointments booked on Monday will still have your session, just at my house instead.

I've had a few people ask me about more details as they weren't clear, so here they are:

The cost to BCT members is 150CHF, payable on the day of the shoot. For this, you get my creative expertise, use of my props and as per the Occasion Package 3 digital negatives, one of which will be the one you would use on your card. This digital negative may be a compilation of a number of other images. You also get to choose 2 other images that you like to keep in digital format also. All 3 images will be printed for you.
I will have my computer at the shoots and we will look at the images taken together during your allocated time slot and you will choose the ones you like. I will have specific templates ready for you to see what the finished card might look like. I will also have examples of cards I have printed from and ones that I sent out last year to show you what you can do with your images.

Your package will be with you within a week, in good time for you to do with the images as you wish.

If you still want to book a session, please contact me soon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas Card Shoots

For those of you interested, I will be posting more details about the BCT Christmas Card shoots here very soon. Due to some emergency personal circumstances, I've had to postpone the days until the week after. So new dates are:

Sunday 16th November
Monday 17th November

Briefly though, I can tell you that there are 8 slots per day, starting at 9am. Each slot lasts 45 mins, but starts on the hour. I will be having an hour for lunch and the last slot will be at 5pm.

I will have a number of props available, including 2 different sized christmas trees, 2 large gift boxes (for children to jump out of), outfits for 3/6/9/12 months, hats, tinsel, festive characters (santa/reindeer/snowman) fake snow and more. If you have a special outfit that you would like your child(ren) to wear then please bring these along. If not, jeans with a red or white top look good.

I will have a small gift and treat for each child, which can be used as a reward (or bribe!).

During the session we will look at the images on a computer together and you will choose which ones you would like to be used on the card - you can use 4 together as seen below. You will receive your final image digitally and also as a print. You can choose in addition 2 more images to keep in digital format as part of the package.

I am also able to offer getting the cards produced for 25CHF per 10.

Location of temporary studio: Rennweg 73, 4052 Basel

Contact Me to reserve your space.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Blog Page and First Self Portrait

New Blog!

I was getting quite frustrated at how much waiting and uploading I had to do for the previous blog, so I've turned to Blogger. Hopefully this will run a bit more seamlessly.

And of course a picture.

A proud moment captured. Maia took her first self portrait. Shutter release cable in hand, she managed to take this picture all by herself. I just hand held the camera at arms length to hope it was in focus. Well done baby! Mummy loves you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Family A Return

My first ever clients are heading back to Australia. However, before they go, they wanted some pictures of them in the city where they became a family of 4. After pre-planning a route all over Basel to get the best pics, we were faced with a small dilemma due to the weather (rather gloomy and a bit rainy). We decided (after checking that the rest of the week is going to get worse) that we should go ahead anyway. I’m so glad we did too! Our shoot was at the Munster which worked out perfectly as when we were done we got to go on some fairground rides and eat fairy floss. Yum Yum! You'll all be missed x

Monday, October 27, 2008


So, today I went to play with these two adorable little people. We had lots of fun hiding in the trees, swinging on the swing and bouncing on the spacehopper (and the bed!). It was a pleasure. Truly.