Sunday, March 1, 2009

Little Miss C - 12 months old

You may recognise this little girl if you've been following me for a while. This little lady and I met on her first day in this world, then 3 months later I persuaded her mummy to let me squeeze her in a giant teacup and now, here she is, almost 1 year old. Doesn't time fly!

With a beautiful garden as an additional backdrop and the delightful crafts of her parents' hands, including the crib daddy made and a blanket mummy knitted we all had lots of fun during our session. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

New colours for Spring

Spring is coming early for me and my website. The benefit of a slow start to the year after a busy end is that I have been able to think about my marketing etc. January saw me mostly picking up props for the new year in the sales and February has seen me brainstorm a lot about where my business will go in 2009.

I do like my Black and White website and am really pleased with myself for creating it all myself, but I've been increasingly thinking that perhaps it was a bit too harsh for newborns and little people So, I have started converting my site after finally coming to a decision on the colours.

I also have a new signature/logo designed from my existing fonts and background pattern. There are also ideas for new Packages and I am working on developing a Landscape Course side to my website. I trialled this last year with huge success and am looking to offer the Course again soon. If you are interested in more details please contact me.

So, the blog has been converted in advance of my website (mostly because I accidentally overwrote my last blog settings whilst testing out these colours). I hope you like it. Comments always welcome...

As always here are some recent images to share with you from Birthday Parties Maia and I have been guests at: