Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bi-annual hair cut and a fantastic surprise!

I've had two lovely gifts this week, the first appeared after lunch on Monday when I was working from home. A much lusted after Canon 5D Mark II!! I was very excited and couldn't stop jumping up and down in disbelief that this lovely new camera was now mine :) The past few days have seen me get to grips with the new menus and settings and experimenting with the HD video function (it's very good!). I feel like a real pro now I have a back-up camera. ~ To my trusty 30D - I still consider you to be my second baby and won't be selling you any time soon, I promise. ~

The second surprise was a gift voucher for a head massage and hair re-style. Not something I would think about doing for myself, but after Maia's trendy haircut
(see right) at the beautiful salon, Reference Coiffure (James' hairdresser) I began thinking that I might suit having a fringe again and having some length taken off.

The head massage was divine and truly relaxing. It's not often these days I get to really relax. If I'm at home, I am too close to work and can't stop thinking about it or working on stuff. The nearest I get is actually with my knitting, but even that these days has become mostly work related! The head massage was given during a deep shampoo and condition and took place whilst laying in an electronic massage chair in a curtained off area in the corner of the beautifully light salon - a very nice touch.

I would highly recommend this salon, for both men, women and children. They were very friendly and I absolutely love my re-style. I just hope that my very low-maintenance beauty routine can keep it looking good.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Newborn baby A - 2 weeks old

This is my third shoot with this lovely family, this time we managed to get Daddy in too! The giant beanbag that my mum had brought over in her case from the UK (empty of course) had been half filled up with foam pieces (18 bags later and it was still only about half full, so I rolled up the bottom to make it feel fuller) and was a HUGE hit with the older boys. So we had a bit of fun just jumping on that and throwing pillows at each other before getting down to business.

Once little baby A fell asleep, we managed to get some more arty shots of him in my newborn props. He stayed sleeping and seemed to like being wrapped up in my wraps and snugs. Thank you Family P and congratulations on your latest addition to the family.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My first Couple

After seeing family pictures I took for a co-worker, this lovely guy got in touch with me with regards to having portrait pictures taken, including casual ones as well as professional headshots. I explained that I mostly take pictures of children, but he was still up for me coming. Joined by his girlfriend in a lovely little place just the other side of Bern we embarked on a full 2 hour shoot.

On a little walk in the surrounding area we found a lovely little shed that provided a perfect backdrop. I hope you are happy with your pictures. Thanks for being my first couple booking!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Little Miss L - 14 months

This little lady was a bundle of fun from the word go. I think she really liked having her living room turned into a studio and was posing for me effortlessly. She was also quite interested in coming to have a look at the pictures too and at points through our session was busy investigation different pieces of equipment.

A budding engineer perhaps? Or supermodel? Or both? Why not? :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Maternity Shoot 3 days before birth!

So, I need to add some more maternity images to my portfolio and a loyal client is having her third boy and has also booked me in for a third shoot with her and her family, this time a Newborn Package (thank you lovely client!) So, the very least I can do is offer her a free maternity session to help me bump up my maternity images. She said yes! :)

These were taken 3 days before her lovely little boy was born. As you can see Maia joined in too and was trying to tickle the baby :) Keep your eyes peeled for more images of this little cutie after our follow up session in a couple of weeks. This time with the whole family, including Grandma!

I am opening this offer up to anyone else too until the end of April 2009. If you book a Newborn Session, you can get a FREE maternity shoot including 5 prints.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Welcome 2009! 2008 was a fabulous time for me and my business, I must say I've enjoyed the journey greatly. Here's to an even more exciting 2009! I have lots of plans and ideas and creative energy to share. I wish all of you and your families lots of smiles and happy moments. Perhaps some of them will be captures on camera forever. :)

We went to the mountains with friends for our first day of 2009. It was beautiful.