Monday, December 29, 2008

Meet the Grandparents

When I arrived the final Grandparent was on her way in with Aunty, making it a full house and a full group picture! As the troops made their first greetings with their new family member and settled in I took the opportunity to take few piccies of their cat, Simon. He had the most beautiful eyes. :)

Little baby L, I hope you enjoy having so many people around you for your first New Year Celebrations.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Busy Times

It's been a tough last month or so. All three of us have taken a turn at being ill and my little girl was afflicted to the point where she was being sent home from day care. Sadly this meant that with the extra work I'd taken on, I had less time to do it. As a result, the last few shoots that I have done have taken a little longer to get back to them than I would have liked. I'd just like to say a big thank you to all the families that have been patient with me.

My organised head had planned a couple of weekend trips that were intended as a small congratulations gift to myself after the busy months I've just had. This was with the assumption that I would have completed most of the work I needed to do. The break was needed though as whilst I was off my wrist was hurting me lots and working at a computer was not what the doctor ordered, so it all worked out in the end. Here are a few piccies from my travels.

I hope you are all ready for Christmas now and are looking forward to some quality family time. Enjoy x



me enjoying a break: