Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Blog Page and First Self Portrait

New Blog!

I was getting quite frustrated at how much waiting and uploading I had to do for the previous blog, so I've turned to Blogger. Hopefully this will run a bit more seamlessly.

And of course a picture.

A proud moment captured. Maia took her first self portrait. Shutter release cable in hand, she managed to take this picture all by herself. I just hand held the camera at arms length to hope it was in focus. Well done baby! Mummy loves you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Family A Return

My first ever clients are heading back to Australia. However, before they go, they wanted some pictures of them in the city where they became a family of 4. After pre-planning a route all over Basel to get the best pics, we were faced with a small dilemma due to the weather (rather gloomy and a bit rainy). We decided (after checking that the rest of the week is going to get worse) that we should go ahead anyway. I’m so glad we did too! Our shoot was at the Munster which worked out perfectly as when we were done we got to go on some fairground rides and eat fairy floss. Yum Yum! You'll all be missed x

Monday, October 27, 2008


So, today I went to play with these two adorable little people. We had lots of fun hiding in the trees, swinging on the swing and bouncing on the spacehopper (and the bed!). It was a pleasure. Truly.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sugar and Spice and all things nice...

So, the website is up! It kind of knocked me for six getting it up and out and I had to take a little time to recover after a long, arduous day of uploading, re-uploading and editing. I’m happy though and I would like to thank everyone that has given me feedback so far.

The idea of this blog is so that I can give sneak previews to the parents of the beautiful children I am so happy to take pictures of and also to show potential clients up to date images from recent shoots. I will post one picture from each shoot and just say a little something about the shoot too, if I can get the comments button to work, hopefully it will be a good place for people to share some words too. I’m backdating a few shoots, so there may be some posts backdated to before this one, even though I created them after! Please bear with me.

For now, I am sharing with you a recent autumnal image of my little girl, Maia - who really doesn’t like to stay still for even a moment when mummy gets out her camera - which is every day! :) This is at the farm down the road where she likes to play with the cats.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little Person L - 13 months old

This little lady and I had some fun! We played with bunnies, danced to music, had a pillow fight and also went for a walk down to the Rhine where we saw some doggies. Mummy and daddy had lots of fun joining in too.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby A - 7 weeks old

This adorable little boy was a complete angel. From the moment I arrived he was already smiling. He happily let me wrap him up in the baby snug and hat I had knitted the previous week especially for the shoot and hopefully he and his parents had as much fun as I did. Looking forward to seeing you grow Baby A!

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Website is up!


After what seems like a long working summer, my new website is finally up. This to me is a mark of officially going pro. Horrah!

It all started last Christmas (2007). After a successful test photoshoot with family friends (thank you very much Family R) I decided to take a professional quality picture of my daughter Maia (above) and use the image on our family Christmas card as an advert to indicate my intentions to become a photographer. One of the mummies at our Gymboree class happened to be a co-chair of the Basel Child Trust group (BCT) and promptly asked if I was interested in taking pictures the next day at the Annual Christmas Party. Nervously I accepted.

There was a small note about me being a photographer for families next to the link for the photos on the BCT website and as a result I gained my first client - Family A.

With only word of mouth and over 17 photoshoots later, including Business work, weddings and the full range of family portrait sessions I decided to take a break over the summer to assess my journey so far. I’ve had lots of help from all my lovely friends (you know who you are!) and valuable feedback from my clients so far and as a result I am pleased to present you with my new site. There is lots more information, new pictures and most importantly the packages.

I have put a lot of time and effort into really thinking very carefully about what these contain and hope that at least one of them works for you and your family. If what you see interests you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully working with you and the special little people in your life. It’s always a pleasure.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I wonder what happens when I press publish?

Self Portrait